A loksevi needs to consistently work on refining his attitude in order to maintain the dignity and ideals of seva. He should have a dynamic personality that leaves a lasting impression on people. There are no specific rules for accomplishing this, but there are a few things that can instil higher ideals in the loksevi’s personality if they are understood and thoroughly implemented.
Many people do not get the results they desire from performing seva. This is often because they lack the higher qualities needed to motivate others and improve their lives. A good orator may be able to impress people with his words, but words alone will not make a lasting impact. For an enduring influence one must have a powerful character. In the words of a great thinker, “Everyone is idealistic in thoughts, everyone realizes what is good and what is bad; however, it is forgotten in practical life. One does not want to involve in the right and relinquish the wrong despite knowing them.”
Loksevi who consider service and their personal lives to be separate must understand that service is their life’s observance, not a profession. Public servants, government officials, and domestic help are examples of people who are also involved in the act of service, but they do it as part of their profession. It is their routine job, they may not have any genuine passion for serving others. People willing to perform true seva must develop passion and dedication for it.
Efforts put into seva are futile if the personal life of a loksevi is wretched. Swami Ramtirth once said, “A loksevi needs to remember that it is not his tongue but his entire personality which does the talking, and people would rather listen only to his personality.” His personality becomes great when he practices what he preaches. This is true of anyone, not just the loksevi. A person can influence others only when there is no disparity between his thoughts and actions. Such person can influence both ways, positively as well as negatively. A prostitute is able to attract a common man because her words and actions correspond. A habitual drinker leads others to addiction by the same principle. He is doing what he tells others to do, and is thus able to influence.
When a loksevi is honestly committed to his beliefs, his thoughts and actions become one and he can leave a strong impression in the field. It is not very easy, at least in the beginning, to maintain no disparity between thoughts and actions. The refinement of one’s character takes some time, but the loksevi should not use this as an excuse for not trying hard enough. There can be a difference in the levels of thoughts and actions, but the directions of both should be the same. The family wedding is an example. The loksevi might preach to society not to make such an event extravagant, but when it comes to his own family he should employ the same principles. For a large family, it is understandable to have a grand get-together, but wasting money for showing off would not be right. One will have no impact preaching to others to lead a simple and prudent life if he himself wears expensive clothing.
For this reason, from ancient times it has been a tradition for the loksevi to live a simple life and keep his needs to a minimum. When it comes to the convenient life, no comfort seems unnecessary. First, a comfortable house; after that come things needed in the house for further comfort, and so on. Each requirement can be justified if one has a desire for it. However, a loksevi must have a different perspective on this: to manage with average or minimum resources. Once we begin to reduce our requirements we will realize that there are many things we can live without. If we have our basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter, that should suffice.
Another important aspect of a loksevi’s personality is his eating habits. A person involved in seva must maintain clean, moderate eating habits. They keep him healthy and leave a good impression on people, so he should make some type of resolution regarding his eating style. People often prepare elaborate meals for a loksevi when he is out in the field, and while he may be eating simple food at home, he may not be able to deny people’s requests when he is offered such delicious food. He does not need to hurt people’s feelings, but he should ask them in advance to prepare simple food. When a guest requests that he receive simple arrangements as other family members do, it results in more affection and respect for the guest.
The loksevi should establish certain rules for his eating habits and attempt to follow them religiously. An example would be having only one or two dishes for a meal. People often serve a delicious multicourse meal out of affection when the loksevi is in their area. This may put him in a confusing situation in which he must decide whether to hurt their feelings or break his resolution. It is important to accept people’s gestures, but he should try to stick to his principles. In order to do it, he can taste a small portion of the food and express his appreciation for their efforts.
In addition to food, the loksevi should also pay attention to things which might make people around him uncomfortable. He should have a flexible, adjusting attitude, and learn to ignore any discomfort caused by a lack of resources. For example, some have a habit of drinking a glass of milk before they go to bed. A loksevi should avoid asking for such things when out in the field and try to do without them during that time.
A loksevi should aspire to bring into his life the virtues of self-reliance, regularity, and discipline. These important qualities uplift one’s personality. Self-reliance means taking care of your own needs. Whether at home or in the field, this must become a habit. Personal tasks such as washing one’s laundry should never be left for others to complete. This will go a long way toward developing a feeling of self-reliance, thereby improving personality.
It is important to lead by example. Quite often, a loksevi is seen giving directions to others and expecting them to complete a task according to his instructions. For example, let’s say there is a project underway to clean a village. If he reaches the village and simply begins explaining the importance of the project, no one will come forth to help. There is a simple reason for this: talk alone is not enough to motivate people. The loksevi also needs a practical and effective plan for his idea, but even that is not enough. It may attract a few enthusiasts, but it will not convince everyone. If he decides only to direct those who are willing to help, people will not be able to connect with him, and this will hurt his reputation. The only thing that will work for the loksevi in such a situation is to take the initiative for the project with the help of those few enthusiasts. Once this happens, more hands will join him. It is important that he remember not to project himself as someone special. His personality may be one level above the common public’s, but that is no reason to advertise it.
A loksevi also must be free of greed and arrogance. Greed forces a person to do things for his own self-interest, even things involving the misuse of public property. There are times when a loksevi may need to take responsibility for public projects that involve financial dealings. He must maintain his credibility to the utmost in such a situation. Being attentive to it is not enough; he must work religiously and honestly towards it. He must publicly release the details of such financial transactions, as transparency and fairness are extremely important in handling jobs that involve financial dealings.
Credibility in character is as important as credibility in financial matters. People judge someone more on his character than by his financial position. The loksevi must have an honest attitude towards the opposite gender. Male loksevi should avoid any unnecessary conversation with female colleagues. Tasks for male and female workers should be clearly identified, and efforts should be made to follow these guidelines properly. If the frequency of meetings with female workers is decreased, this will avoid giving people unnecessary fodder for gossip.
Many loksevi are needed to create a better atmosphere in society today. This will only be possible when people realize the meaning and importance of seva. They must change their perceptions towards it, improve their personality, and step forward on this path. Even the common public can be motivated to follow this path if their perception is changed and they realize the importance of service to others.
Those who are claiming to change this era must help groom people who are willing to take steps on the path to seva. Improvement in their personalities will ultimately result in bringing about improvement in society. People practicing such principles in life will never be swayed from the right path, and will become the leaders of the new era.
Source: Guidelines for the Aspiring Loksevi