Have you seen God? Jesus Christ was once asked. “Yes”, he responded. “Can you show Him to us?” “Sure, Why Not?” Christ said. People around were amazed. They could not wait any more. “Kindly show Him now itself…!” They voiced eagerly.
Christ looked at a little child in the crowd, took him in his lap and said — “Here is He!” God resides in anyone who is pure hearted, simple and free of all sins and vices.
We all see and meet so many children around us – in our families and neighbourhood. Many of us must have lived with our own kids, and played with those of our relatives and friends, etc. Many a times while walking on a road or in a garden, or while traveling, we also talk and play with strangers’ children who come near us. All young children are cute and lovable.
Kids are very quick at picking up the words spoken around them and mimicking the expressions they often see. They can feel our feelings towards them. Even a little baby who can’t walk or talk has excellent capability of sensing the feelings and expressions of family members; this is how he learns things from them. This shows that a child has an alert mind with significant grasping and retaining powers.
A child is naturally truthful. He does nothing bad that he would want to or need to hide. He has no greed or craving to possess anything. He eats whatever he can and leaves the rest as it is. He does not think of preserving or stocking it. Though he cannot do any useful work in that tender age, he is by nature very energetic and industrious! Except in sleeping state, a child always remains active. He does not know the purpose or effect of doing what he does but even then he keeps doing something or the other. His enthusiasm to do something drives him all the time and keeps him busy.
The activity of a child is not just a random offshoot of his zest or agility but is in fact, a process of his learning. He tries to learn things in his own ways. He sometimes plays with a toy in a manner we show and train him to do. But often he tries his own tricks. He even breaks the toy. This is because of his natural curiosity to know how the toy ‘functions’.
A child’s love is unconditional. He does not expect anything in return. He does not discriminate between people in any respect. He does not know the difference of creed, nationality, language, religion, age or gender. Anyone in his company can receive his love, his soft touch and his unalloyed giggle. His company makes us feel so blissful. All our fatigue, our tensions, our negativity is wiped out by his sweet smile. Why can’t we also learn from his company the secret of having and generating unconstrained joy? His qualities of learning from everything, finding every condition, every work in hand as joyful, teach us an easy art of living.
Not only of the humans, the babies of animals also are so cute! In all colours, forms and sizes they are beautiful. Their jumping, running around, fighting with each other, everything is so engrossing.
We bring toys and games for children to entertain them. God has gifted us with living toys all around in the form of children. Their company is such a wonderful mode of calming and rejuvenating the mind. It also offers new light if we keep our learning eyes open. If we have not hardened our heart, narrowed or shielded it with false pride, the company of a child will have soothing and inspiring sublime effects on our emotions.
Boons of Friendship:
It is said that having good friends is the greatest of fortunes on this earth. Indeed, the thought of meeting a close friend is itself so cheering! The attraction and impact of friendship is very intense. We may not name it so, but it is the warmth of friendship that nurtures the bonds in family relationships too. Even married life is the most successful when husband and wife regard each other as friends. It is the welding power of friendship that makes the concept of “two bodies one mind” possible.
Friendship with wrong persons is harmful in all respects. The influence of bad company drags one to the slippery path of decline. But the point being made in the present context is that the feeling of amity has a great charm. The joy of meeting a close friend – having whatever his qualities – is so enchanting! So charming! Nothing can match it. “Talking to a friend” is a time-tested and instant mode of lightening the mood, and relaxing and cheering the mind. It is thus a universal kind of entertainment. Prudent selection of friends can make friendship a means to properly uplifting oneself too.
Music – A Universal Entertainment:
Music is a powerful means of entertainment that vibrates the emotional chords. But, like in the choice of friends, one should be cautious to avoid the kind of music that stimulates obscene, erotic or violent feelings. Be that instrumental or vocal music, if the melody or lyrics inspires goodwill, harmony and peace, one will feel serene delight and calmness while listening, playing or singing it. One does not have to be an expert musician, nor does one have to learn music to experience this joy. At times people begin to dance in the engrossment of delightful music or devotional songs.
In the remote or underdeveloped areas where no sophisticated mode of entertainment has reached or people can’t afford the expenses of having any, folk music and folk dancing remain predominant modes of entertainment. Every country, every region has its own range of folk music and dances. These are integral parts of their respective cultures and have the potential to offer ever-fresh amusement to people from any part of the world. Across the globe several cultural organizations are also experimenting on newer ways and forms of presenting folk music and dance.
Nature’s Arrangement:
Just as any tragedy, severe loss, or worry becomes a cause of despair and depression, happiness on the other hand induces new zeal, new hope in one’s life. The receding of water levels seen at the time of low tides is compensated by the high tides. In the same way, dullness and tensions of disorderly and stressful life-style are alleviated or removed by entertainment.
The difficulties faced due to darkness in the night are eliminated by dawn of sunlight in the day. The growing darkness of first half of lunar month is countered by the expanding moonlight in the bright half. Nature has arranged for such options and provisions to maintain balance in all circumstances of life. Entertainment is one of them. It is certainly the best way to counter the sorrows, tensions and anguishes.
It is perfectly fine to entertain the mind to free it of unavoidable pressures and stresses. The difficulties we face or mistakes we make in identifying the best modes of entertainment occur because we often remain ignorant or do not take interest in adopting simple ways of living a natural, happy life. We also tend to neglect the easy means of classic entertainment readily available around us.
Of the diverse names given to God, the most complete one that is referred in the Upanishads is –sacchidananda (a liaison of “sat“, “chit” and “³nanda“). “Sat” implies eternal existence and absolute reality. “Chit” implies consciousness and infinite power of cognition and knowledge acquisition. “Ânand” here refers to unlimited, beatifying bliss. The real self, the soul of every being also has these characteristics. Thus nobody should lack any power, knowledge or joy. But, what we find in this world is just the contrary! Why is this so?
We do not realize and benefit from our immense potentials, as we identify ourselves only with the physical body. In spite of being bound inside the periphery of the physical body, we can, by fully using our consciousness power, acquire enormous amount of vital spiritual energy, knowledge and joy from anywhere in the universe. We are deprived of all this because of our ignorance and wrong approach to life.
Most of our consciousness power is under-utilized or gets evaporated due to mental agility, ego and numerous worldly aspirations and passions. All the problems and complexities we face or experience in this world, are because of wrong training and misuse of our mind and its intellectual and emotional faculties. But the solutions to all these also lie in our mind only.
Awakening of Consciousness Force in the mind and focusing it on sagacious thoughts would gradually empower us with tremendous strength and enlightenment. The immediate benefit is that our minds would become vigilant to avoid all mistakes and illusions and thus uproot the very cause of all worries and tensions. Nothing will then hinder the spring of joy emanated from within. [The real intent behind Yoga disciplines and spiritual practices (sadhana) is to help us achieve this state of absolute happiness].
Entertainment and the consequent joy obtained with the help of artificial means is like heavy showers or spark of lightening with thunderbolt which disappears in a short time. We can’t hope for anything better from them. The bliss of natural gifts within and around us not only offers sustained happiness but also helps create positive and pleasant ambience for others too.
On worldly fronts, there is no end to scarcities unless one adopts a thoughtful approach to life. Even the entire gamut of resources of the earth and wealth of the whole world would be insufficient to quench the thirst of cravings and egotist ambitions. The cynical attitude of seeing scarcities and adversities around will also keep us deprived of benefiting from even what we have. Nature has stored the nectar of saffron in the navel of “Kasturi” deer. Its heaven fragrance spreads from this very center in the body of the deer. But ironically, the deer keeps running and searching for it outside. We, the extroverts and the ignorant, are also like that. Natural source of unlimited bliss is hidden within us, but day and night we keep thriving to buy it using money, through the hoards of possessions and other worldly means.
If we pay a little attention and ponder over our real self, change our attitude from negative to positive, and set our conduct and goals right to make best use of what is already with us, then everything around will appear pleasant. Every circumstance would then bring a fresh breeze of hope and joy for us….
Source: The Real Joy of Entertainment