The process of engineering a project such as a bridge, building, or dam is easily defined and can be carried out based on the design and architecture. But the process of era reconstruction is very complicated and challenging. It is a task of reverting the flow. It is a task of thought revolution, and changing the mindsets of the masses. It is highly likely that one will face opposition even from those who are close to him once he is on this path. Although it may not appear as violent, this struggle is comparable to the war in the Mahabharat.
Abhimanyu, trapped alone in the Chakravyuh, did everything he could to fight for his principles. He lost his life to his cause, but became immortal in the pages of history. Those wishing to be a part of the reconstruction of this era will need to become as brave as Abhimanyu, and will need to overcome all that is undesirable: ignorance, greed, lust, selfishness, and misguided traditions.
We must begin with taking inventory of ourselves. Negative thoughts carried over from previous births become more and more stubborn when in contact with the ill will in our surroundings, and it can be very difficult even for a strong-willed and idealistic person to escape them. In a time when most people only wish to run after money and fame, why would we want to appear stupid by going against the majority? This is the question our so-called practical majority asks to justify their going with the flow.
In practice, people talk perpetually about their ideals but almost never implement them in real life. Most are afraid of doing any hard work for this. If they find it easier to live with the ignorant belief of achieving salvation by reciting and listening to the ritualistic stories, then how can they have any courage to take even the first step on the path toward fulfilment of any ideal? They remain stuck in the shackles of greed, attachment, and arrogance, and are not able to make even a bit of progress.
It is very important to take the first step in loosening these shackles. If this is not done, then all attempts to uplift one’s character will be in vain. Breaking free of this mind-set is the real hurdle. The old habits of wasting time and resources in petty things put a tremendous amount of pressure on that intermittent swell of inspiring thoughts, and they remain suppressed. Only the one who is able to conquer his inner conflicts can succeed in opening his path of progress.
The next hurdle, which is as difficult as the first one of inner conflict, arises from one’s own family and well-wishers. A person eager to uphold an ideal and take the path of service finds his biggest opponents to be these so-called well-wishers. In today’s time, luxuries and comforts appear to be the most important things in life, and these closest people fail to understand why one of their own wishes to renounce them. Based on their own standards, they can only advise staying away from this difficult path.
How much weight a person gives to these suggestions will determine whether he will go on the selfish or selfless path. Many unsupported “facts” and arguments are presented to trap him both mentally and emotionally. Goswami Tulsidas describes a thought which is a solution to this situation. He replied to a letter from Mirabai with these words: “One who does not have faith in Ram (God) is comparable to an enemy, even if he is my family and loved one.” Prahlad denounced his father. Vibhishan left his brother. Bharat left his mother. All of them knew that one who does not believe in Ram is not a true well-wisher, and in the end each attained salvation. Mirabai understood the message conveyed in these lines, and it inspired her to leave confusion behind and step forward to follow her ideal. Even today, people find refuge in her songs.
Another huge challenge a loksevi faces is dealing with and inspiring those who have already taken steps, knowingly or unknowingly, in the wrong direction. It is difficult to convince such people. They are comfortable with their prejudices and habits and do not wish to realize the importance of what is right. No matter how hard a therapist tries to win over a drug addict, he cannot help him until the patient is convinced. It is possible for him to receive positive signals from the patient sporadically, but if the patient is not serious and willing, they are only gestures intended to help him escape from the uncomfortable therapy session. In reality, he does not wish to or dare to quit the addiction. This is the exact situation a loksevi faces when he is dealing with someone who is deep in wrongdoing.
However, this is no excuse for a loksevi to stop his efforts, and he must keep trying in order to help such people back onto the right track. This requires tremendous effort on his part. Facts, proofs, and examples only work with those who are willing to listen, but if someone is bent upon proving you wrong, they will not listen to you. There is very little one can do. These people are pitiable, as they appear to have gone into a state where they cannot differentiate right from wrong.
A loksevi has to shoulder many responsibilities, but one of the biggest is going against the current trends in society and creating an atmosphere in which people can understand the reason for his revolutionary thinking and change their mind-sets from unfavourable to favourable. This is an important task and cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, there is no choice but to accept this reality and give it full attention, taking the time to assess the condition and finding ways to accomplish this goal.
Great tasks demand sufficient resources. One has to acquire them. In a war zone, a gun can be opposed by a more advanced weapon. A heavy object that cannot be moved by human labour can be lifted with the help of a crane. A large rock cannot be hammered down, but it can be broken with the aid of dynamite. Similarly, huge problems can only be solved by people with brilliant minds.
Keeping these factors in mind, persons willing to challenge such problems must possess exceptional talent and brain power. These dedicated souls must make their personalities strong enough to weather any storm without deviating from their paths. Not everyone is capable to achieving these kind of goals. For that, the determination and sincerity of Arjun and Eklavya is required to maintain the necessary concentration.
A loksevi must hone his character to a precision like that of a sonar guided missile, which does not deviate from its path until it has hit its mark. Such people are intelligent, determined, and focused. They can reach the goal they have set without fail, just like the never failing weapons of Lords Indra and Brahma.
Intelligence with focused attitude brings other traits as well. Forces of vitality and brilliance bless a person who possesses these traits. A river’s depth is a measure of the water it can contain, and other streams and rivers come and submerge themselves in that river and contribute to its power. Similarly, a person who wants wholehearted support of the entire society should first develop depth in his character. Along with intelligence and brilliance, determination, self-restraint, and tenacity are prerequisites for this. However, to develop these qualities he must take his thought process, character, and behaviour to the highest level possible. Such devoted individuals are blessed, and they develop the ability to overcome any adverse situation.
A determined person has the ability to fight against his own weaknesses. He is able to reduce them to a level where they will not risk his reputation and thereby undo all his hard work. There have been many people who achieved greatness after learning from their past mistakes. Anyone can reform himself by making sincere efforts. Ambapali, Angulimaal, and Ashok are examples.
What will be preached in society must be practiced on the self-first. Any commitment taken on in the past must be fulfilled with total dedication. An indecisive mind is a matter of ridicule. Completion of commitments must be timely, especially when they are focused on idealistic issues such as reforms, self-control, etc. This verse from the Ramayan must always be remembered: “I would give my life, but not my word.” People who take on new resolutions every day but are not able to fulfil them lose their credibility and become laughingstocks to society.
A volunteer promoting the concept of era reconstruction should sound so courteous, gentle, and pleasing that a listener is delighted just by meeting him. He should leave a first impression of such graciousness that the listener feels great respect for him, and immediately feels comfortable and connected.
By being engaging in this manner, it should not be difficult to mold the opposition in your favour. Complications arise when egos become involved. Such situations should not be created anywhere, ever. But if it happens, it is a better idea to leave the discussion at a place where it would be possible to settle the matter peacefully in the future than to end it there on a bitter note. Differences in international politics are resolved to a great degree by applying this technique. The spokesperson appointed for this job must possess the talent of keeping the other party engaged, and of being able to use diplomatic skill even when there are grave differences between the two parties. Only such diplomats earn respect and reputation from the government and in society.
Courtesy can be defined as being able to follow one’s duties with civility, modesty, and humility. The ways that courtesy is expressed may differ according to local traditions and customs, but two elements common to all of them are modesty of nature and giving respect and recognition to others. Even a tiny bit of arrogance or impatience can wreck one’s entire standing and distance even those who have been supportive. Volunteers spend most of their time in the field, and they must have flexible attitudes and be courteous and soft-spoken with everyone. This may seem minor, but it is very critical. The success of a volunteer depends completely on these qualities.
There are two more characteristics that a loksevi must develop in his behaviour. Again, these may seem minor, but they are capable of producing extraordinary results. First, he must develop transparency in financial dealings. Public money must be spent wisely, and every financial transaction must be recorded and made available for public review in an honest and transparent manner. A person responsible for money must treat it as would an ascetic who has no attachment to worldly things.
Another requirement is related to male and female colleagues working together. In a public event, both male and female volunteers must help, and it is extremely important to observe purity of feelings in such situations. Too much interaction between male and female youth creates unnecessary doubt in the public’s eyes, and it does not take long for a molehill to turn into a mountain. The situation can very easily get out of hand. This causes great harm and insult to not only the people concerned, but also to the goal for which they were gathered together.
No matter how clean our minds are, we cannot silence the public. This unfortunate and unpleasant situation can occur anywhere, and therefore it is very important to take extra precaution, especially when male and female members are going to be working together. It is essential to plan in way that these doubts do not have any chance to arise in the first place.
There is another important lesson here for loksevi. Those who are always looking for credit and attempting to project themselves as leaders actually become unpopular and silly in the eyes of the public. They may attain some respect in the beginning, but it does not last long, and quickly disappears. There are some people who are always looking to gain publicity through media and stage appearances, but they simply lose all the respect they may have had. It creates unnecessary rivalry and jealousy and brings a bad name to the organization they are representing.
Gandhiji was known for his simplicity, humility and modesty. This was the reason he was the backbone of Congress without even formally holding a position, and this is how a personality should be established. In the absence of these essential characteristics, people attempting to become leaders and politicians end up looking like comedians. A leader’s respect and leadership cannot last very long in the absence of his credibility. It is essential that loksevi are fully aware of this fact.
Source: Guidelines for the Aspiring Loksevi