Home English Book Name:- Mahatma Gandhi Book

Book Name:- Mahatma Gandhi Book



Mahatma Gandhi came and stood at the door of India’s destitute millions…who else has so unreservedly accepted the vast masses of the Indian people as his flesh and blood…Truth awakened Truth” – Rabindranath Tagore

”Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Impressions of Gandhi? You might well ask for someone’s impression of the Himalayas” – George Bernard Shaw

Book Introduction :

Future generations will not be able to believe a man like Gandhi lived..Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – a soul who devoted his life fully to the cause of truth and dutifulness. A person about whom Albert Einstein said that …future generations will not be able to believe that there was actually someone named Gandhi who lived on this planet

How it all began…Gandhi’s real life struggle began in 1893, when he went to South Africa to plead for an Indian trial after not getting success in Mumbai and Rajkot. There he witnessed the ill treatment being meted out to the innumerable Indians, and then what arose was the Gandhi we all know – a beacon of the concept of non-violence movements in the new era.

His various beliefs…Gandhi believed that truth and non-violence even makes the heart of a ruthless person melt. He was a person who believed in the equality of all and opposed any kind of discrimination, so much so that when the British government according to their “divide and rule” policy segregated “untouchables” from Hindus and gave both different voting rights, Gandhi fasted for 21 days inside the Yerwada jail against it and devoted his life to emancipation of the untouchables. Gandhi was also a fierce promoter of cleanliness and public sanitation system, and also established a fund for the same.

Gandhi’s final call and warning to the BritishGandhi was the one of the biggest force around whom the entire nation rallied in the freedom struggle. He nailed the final nail in the coffin of British rule when he gave a clear warning to the British that either accept the demands of the people of India or leave the country, and this movement became famous in history as ‘Quit India Movement’ and in the end became the pivot for India’s independence.

In this bookGandhi was one of the greatest beacon of India’s freedom struggle man whose nature was to defeat the opponent by relying on truth and non-violence. In this short 32 page bio sketch, many inspiring incidents of his great life have been detailed out that shall inspire one and all

Few excerpts from the book

  • “Gandhi ji used to say that if India can get Swaraj (self rule) only by bloodshed, then why shouldn’t we shed our own blood instead of others? Being violent is an indication of the weakness of the soul. A strong person is the one who has mercy even on one’s enemy..”
  • “Gandhi did not believe in economic policies rely on nations becoming rich by exploiting other nations”
  • “According to Gandhi, any scheme which tries to increase the quantity of raw materials of the country, but forgets the utilize its man-power, can never build a happy and prosperous society…”
  • “Describing _Swadeshi_ (using from one’s own country) Gandhi said that we should first serve those who are near us, then those who are far away. This principle of _Swadeshi_ is applicable in every sphere of life”
  • “By following the principles of Gandhi, a person will consider oneself to be inseparable from the entire creation and will work only through truth and non-violence to establish liberty, equality and brotherhood”
  • “Gandhi dreamed of a casteless, classless and stateless society which was also called _Varnashrama Dharma_”
  • “Gandhi’s _Ram Rajya_ (Rule akin to the kingdom of Lord Ram) was not only in the context of Hindus, but was a vision of a state where there is equality of all religions”
  • “The five pillars of Hinduism – _Ahimsa_ (non violence), _Satya_ (truthfulness), _Asteya_ (not stealing), _Aparigraha_ (not collecting) and _Brahmacharya_ (celibacy) were the cornerstones of Gandhi’s life..”
  • “After Gandhi’s death, America’s largest newspaper New York Times wrote that – Gandhi has left behind a spiritual force, which, at the time of God’s Will, will surely conquer the policy corrupted by weapons and violence”

Few chapters from the book

  • -India’s freedom struggle
  • -The beginning of the civil disobedience movement
  • -Gandhi’s exploitation-free model of politics
  • -Spiritual Socialism for India
  • -Gandhi’s Approach on Amalgamation of Religion
  • -Divine Personality of Mahatma Gandhi

About the Author

Written by Pt Shriram Sharma Acharya (1911-1990), who was an Indian freedom fighter, social reformer, Gayatri saadhak and a seeker of science behind spirituality who had authored more than 3200 books.

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