Home Akhand Jyoti Magazine Drink Water as A Medicine

Drink Water as A Medicine



There is a Slovakian proverb – “Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.” According to Ayurveda, there are specific rules for consuming water. It will significantly help in improving our health if we follow them. For example, drinking water right before eating or immediately after eating is not considered good. However, one may take water 40 minutes before eating food. If there is a need, one may take one or two sips during meals. It should not be cold. It should either be at normal temperature or lukewarm. If we feel really thirsty after breakfast and feel a need for water, then preferably orange or sweet lime juice may be taken. Likewise, if we feel thirsty after lunch, sweetened curd or buttermilk can be taken. And, after dinner, warm milk can be taken. These drinks do not cause any harm and, in fact, help in digestion. Whenever we drink water, it should be sip by sip just as we drink tea or coffee. We should drink water slowly and never an entire glass of water in one breath.

It is a good practice to fill a copper vessel with water overnight and then drink the water in the morning, again sip by sip. If water is kept in a copper vessel overnight, it need not be boiled again. All the qualities that water attains after boiling and cooling get assimilated into the water by keeping it in a copper vessel. This water enhances the facial glow. If we have any skin problems or are tired of trying out different remedies to get glowing skin, we must start drinking a glass of warm water every day. All skin-related issues will get solved, and the skin will begin to glow. Warm water helps in removing harmful elements from the body.

The digestive system’s problems can be solved by drinking warm water early in the morning with an empty stomach and after dinner. Constipation and flatulence-related problems also get solved to a large extent. Warm water enhances appetite too. Warm water with lemon juice, black pepper, and salt quickly reduces heaviness in the stomach. Drinking warm water on an empty stomach ends diseases of the urinary system and subsides chest burn. Warm water acts as nectar for all conditions arising out of vat dosh.

Daily intake of warm water enhances blood flow in the body. Warm water increases body temperature, and so, along with sweat, all poisonous substances get expelled from the body. At the time of fever also, the patient should drink warm water instead of cold. Warm water is certainly more beneficial. If there is aching due to gas, then a glass of warm water removes it and brings relief.

“To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth. – Richard Baker”

Most of the diseases of the digestive tract are caused by impurities in water. Drinking water that is cooled after heating prevents many of these problems from arising. Warm water enhances the flow of energy in the body. It helps in overcoming cough and cold-related diseases quickly too.

If a person is suffering from asthma, hiccups, or sore throat, then after eating anything that is fried, drinking warm water brings quick relief. Drinking warm water first thing in the morning with lemon provides vita-min C to the body. Warm water with lemon strengthens the immune system and helps balance the pH level of the body. A glass of warm water a day acts as an excellent tonic for the cells of the brain. It moistens the scalp and reduces the problems arising due to its dryness.

Warm water also plays a vital role in weight reduction. Drinking warm water an hour after eating food activates the metabolism of the body. A few drops of honey and lemon juice in warm water make our body more shapely. For people who wish to look young forever, warm water is the most wonderful medicine. So, if water is drunk thoughtfully, it can act as the best medicine for all diseases.•Viruses and bacteria don’t stand a chance with a strong immune system The immune system needs many different types of fuel. Fruits and vegetables provide them. Your diet should be healthy and colorful: Oranges, red peppers, green leafy vegetables, and red cabbage contain a potpourri of vitamins and are especially rich in natural vitamin C. Sufficient sleep not only allows your body to recuperate, during the slow-wave sleep phase, neurotransmitters are also released, and the immune system springs into action. Studies show that good spirits and a zest for life promote a strong immune system. Laughing and playing don’t just provide for a better quality of life; they also boost the body’s defenses. Negative stress activates the release of adrenalin and cortisol. These hormones can paralyze the immune system. Sensible stress and time management allow the body to rest and replenish new energy. Selective relaxation exercises like meditation, autogenic training, and yoga can significantly boost the immune system. Taking walks in the fresh air gives you a change of temperature and exercise – both stimulate the body’s defense systems. Mucous membranes also benefit from improved circulation, and the increased humidity makes it easier to fight off attacks. [Source: www.dw.com]

“It’s true that laughter really is cheap medicine. It’s a prescription anyone can afford. And best of all, you can fill it right now. – Steve Goodier”

Source: Akhand Jyoti Magazine May-June 2021

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