Home Enlightened faith is the Need of the Hour

Enlightened faith is the Need of the Hour



We are living in one of the most crucial periods of history, when humanity is passing through a momentous inner churning and transition into a new era of unitary consciousness. The voices of unrest, the sighs of disappointment, which we see throughout the entire world, demand a revolutionary change in our outlook and behavior, exemplifying the noblest ideals of humanity understanding, compassion, mutual sharing and caring.

If we do not consciously live these noble virtues and resolutely throw out of our psyches the devils of hatred, anger, avarice, etc, we will be committing collective suicide. We have acquired enough knowledge to create a great civilization and a bright future, but have not gained enough wisdom to apply this knowledge for the good of all. In the form of ideals, thoughts and principles, we have the rich treasures of the ages, but lack the wisdom, foresight and will to put them into practice.

Our achievements in terms of fathoming and discovering the underlying principles of nature and its workings are mind-boggling, but we need more earnestness, nobility, courage and discipline to harness them for positive ends. Man is in agonizing search of the purpose of his life which is enlightened awareness of his identity with the immutable and eternal Supreme substratum of the cosmic foam and flux of creation. Despite all our material progress, the degree of insecurity, the worthlessness and futility of life that we experience today were never felt by the preceding because of an all-pervading loss of faith in our Divine origin. Such a firm faith has ever been the force that kept common people dedicated to nobility and goodwill. Lack of such a living and unwavering faith is the root cause of our plight.

What we need today is an all encompassing faith in Divinity for the entire humanity, to which all existing religions can make their contributions. We direly need such a redeeming and unifying faith; otherwise our very existence as a species is in mortal peril. Let us listen to the wakeup call of the scriptural admonishment – What doth it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?

–Akhand jyoti march-april 2005