In our daily life, we frequently come across situations when we feel helpless, feel low on confidence and are enveloped by strange sadness. In this state of mind, one does not get good sleep; there is no desire to eat; one does not want to speak to anybody. If you observe any of the above symptoms, you need to stay alert because these are the beginning signs of depression. If these symptoms and state of mind stay for too long, it can lead to major depression whose symptoms are – lack of concentration, not able to pursue even your favorite activity, not able to enjoy company of loved ones, feel tired quite soon etc.
According to a report by WHO, 120 million people in the world suffer from major depression. This includes both men and women. Persons aged between 15 and 44 are more prone to depression and there is a probability that by year 2020, deep depression may become second largest disease in the world. Even today, if there is one such ailment after heart disease that troubles majority of people, it is depression.
Depression is a mental disease in which our state of mind is totally in despair. Person feels sad and is not enthusiastic to do any work. He is not interested in conversing with anyone and even if he does, his words reflect his gloom and despair. Such a person lives in the shadow of negative thoughts. He does not have the ability to think positive and make the right decisions. Such a person is unable to face even the ordinary challenges of life and takes a step back when faced with them. Depression is also because of malfunctioning of neurotransmitters in our body. This also causes the symptoms listed above.
One of the causes for depression is that we do not have the right perspective about life. As a result of that, whenever we taste failure in the external world, we subject ourselves to such tension that we begin to doubt our own abilities and successes. We begin to become more and more pessimistic, thus leading to depression.
If we have to gain control over situations that give mental tension to us, we have to correct our ways of thinking and living. If our thinking is on the lines of optimism, novelty and creativity, we will never ever be prone to depression. In fact, we will develop such a strong state of mind that we would be able to help those suffering from depression. To achieve this we need to direct our thinking towards higher ideals. This is possible when we include swadhyaya (study of noble thoughts) as a compulsory part of our daily routine. By reading good books, our brain gets a continuous inflow of novel thoughts and we will be able to do self-analysis and determine if we are moving in the right direction.
In addition to this, we could include regular Upasana (worship) as part of daily routine. The objective of upasana is to experience the proximity of Almighty because of which our personality is endowed with divine qualities. When we call out to God with a heart filled with devotion, we establish a link between us and the divine consciousness through which all our doubts and despair automatically vanish. It is also recommended to eat healthy food, follow good sleeping habits, breathe in the early morning air that is filled with pranic energy and to regularly do yoga exercises to keep our mind peaceful, happy and active. Offering obeisance to the rising Sun and wishing for a bright day while offering arghya is also good for the health of our mind. It energizes our mind, makes it active and as a result establishes harmony between our innate abilities because of which we can work better and prove capable of facing any kind of circumstances.
Looking at the state of depression and hopelessness that the present generation of youth is facing, it becomes imperative for us to ensure that the next generation does not go through the same. We should teach our children how to imbibe a healthy life style – both physically and mentally. We should also prepare their minds such that whenever they are faced with depressing and tense situations in life, they should be able to emerge out of them successfully. Life holds great surprises and anybody can face any kind of situation at any time. Hence if we are not even aware of certain situations and are faced with them, we could become flustered, worried and scared to handle them and hence become prone to depression. Children should also be made aware of life situations through stories and other playful activities. Parents should inculcate in children the habit of reading good books, meditating on the early morning rising Sun and offering arghya to the Sun. To maintain a healthy state of mind in children, parents should teach important aspects of life and the art of living through anecdotes and stories told in an exciting and interesting manner.
Always bear in mind that we can be subject to depression only when we are completely surrounded by the shadow of negative thoughts and emotions; and when there is no light of positive thoughts shining through. We should always be connected to optimistic and noble thoughts. Noble thoughts and noble deeds brighten our inner life and thus give us peace and stability. Depression can enter us only if our mind is weak. If our mental state is strong and powerful, despair will have to face despair and leave us alone.
Akhand Jyoti Magazine Nov Dec 2013