In order to begin a meaningful life, it is essential to decide on a goal. In this context, our efforts should be SMART: S – Specific, M – Measurable, A – Achievable, R – Realistic, and T – Time-bound. It means that goal should be very specific or clear. Measurable means that efforts could be measured or analyzed. Achievable stands for the plan that can be achieved; Realistic means the task has verifiable existence, and Time-bound means it can be attained in a specific time frame.
Our goal has to be stable and justifiable with physical, mental, behavioural, and spiritual aspects of personality. In addition, personal and social facets should also reflect in it. In other words, the goal should have a balance between essential and distinctive elements of internal and external aspects of life. On this basis, a person can experience the significance of a meaningful life being exhibited in physical health, mental stability, intellectual development, well-being, emotional maturity, family health, peace, and spiritual growth.
One element that holds up progress towards the goal is ‘what people would say.’ If your desire for achievement emanates from within, do not pay any attention to others and stay on the nobility of thoughts and steadfast adherence to your goal. Keep away from thwarting ideas; instead of being fearful of obstacles, think over achievements attained hitherto, concentrate on what lies ahead and keep yourself busy in concerted efforts towards your goal. Be punctual in your daily chores and stay away from the habit of putting off your duty.
Never cast yourself inferior to anyone, and always keep your goal high. A proverb says, ‘you will touch Moon at least if you target to touch Sun.’ So aim at giving your best in your field of action. Always move ahead, establishing new records undermining your past achievements.
One major factor in failing to achieve the target is the lack of enthusiasm. So keep on doing everything to intensify it. Avoid taking huge steps initially because unwanted situations of not reaching the desired end will disappoint you. Someone has rightly said it may be difficult to take a big step in life, but it is easier to proceed inch by inch. So initially, take small steps, keep your temperament high and move towards your goal enjoying every moment of life.
With all this, perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of your goal and concentrate on pleasant changes waiting for you on every level in your life after accomplishing your goal. Generate craving within you to achieve your goal, visualizing how innovative changes in your family, economic and social life will take you to new horizons of ecstasy. Focus on a healthy, happy, and contented life before you and consistently proceed ahead.
Akhand Jyoti Magazine 2022 May-June