The Drayamal Shastra defines the term mantra as –
Meaning: That who’s mental retention and repetition enables one to know the true form of the world and the Nature. That which liberates the mind from the worldly attachments of ego and avarice and which leads to the path of ultimate success – is called a Mantra.
Similarly, Japa is defined in the scripture of Yama as –
Meaning: “Ja” implies relief from further janmas (Births); “Pa” symbolizes elimination of the sins. Thus japa (of a mantra) helps destroy one’s evils and liberate the soul from all worldly thraldoms.
The above definitions further intensify the importance of mantra-japa described earlier. The scriptures and the experiences of great sadhakas of all ages affirm that mantra-japa is a spiritual experiment that, if performed as a sadhana, leads to self-realization, self-refinement and ultimate beatitude. From a scientific point of view, one may explain it as follows. As the continuous movement of the motor in a Dynamo generates electricity, the cyclic repetition of the japa of a mantra at a constant pace also gives rise to the circular motion of the sonic manifestation of Sabda hence to a centrifugal sonic force and an otherwise latent power of sound…. One who knows the Mantra Vidya indeed knows the secrets of the optimal generation and use of this cycle of energy which is a unique source of physical, mental and spiritual potentials.
The coexistence of the forces of attraction and the circular motions of the planets must be well known to the students of Physics. Because of the fast movements in the charged fields of attraction, each planet also produces a roaring sound of intensity proportional to its huge size. The superimposition of these planetary roars gives rise to the cosmic sound – a manifestation of Sabda – which the scientists consider as the major source of power for every kind of ‘natural motion’ existing in the entire universe.
The power of Sabda manifests itself in multiple ways in the sadhana of the great Gayatri Mantra. This mantra is a compilation of twenty-four special syllables/words (in Sanskrit) which are so configured that the enunciation of each gives rise to unique types of vibrations at one or more of the twenty-four important bio-electrical and extrasensory energy nuclei in the sadhaka’s body. The collective compounded sonic effects of all of these are so unique and immense that these activate the subtle body too.
The linguistic meaning of this mantra is a universal prayer for the divine illumination of the intellect of all to lead the world towards the righteous path….. The sadhaka’s mental concentration and pure sentiments are naturally focussed around this meaning (and the associated feelings and inspirations) when he performs japa of this mantra through emotional depths. This has two prominent effects – viz., the sadhak’s mind achieves higher state of meditation and he also attains spiritual refinement of the inner domains of mind.
The complete effect of the japa of the Gayatri Mantra with true sraddha also purifies the astral body of the sadhaka and illuminates all facets of his life with a divine glow. Liberation from the evil effects of misdeeds and sins of the past life or previous births are natural bequests of the successful sadhana of this mantra. On worldly fronts, the sadhaka lives a truly happy and progressive life and also contributes significantly – without any ego, selfish interest or worldly attachment – towards multidimensional welfare of others.
The dhiyah rated by the japa of this mantra traverse through the infinity of Brahmañda. Upon completion of each cycle these waves reach back the sadhaka along with the additional effects of – (i) the divine thoughts and sentiments ‘transmitted’ by the perpetual vibrations of the long-term japa–sadhana of the super-sagacious spiritual saints like the risis who were siddhas of the sadhanas of this mantra; and (ii) the sublime radiance of the Supreme Consciousness of Savita. The sadhaka’s mind consistently receives the supernormal impulses and sparks of divine force and, as a result, often attains extrasensory knowledge and supramental powers via dreams, intuitions and sudden inspirations…. The sadhaka also experiences ‘hearing of mysterious sounds…’, ‘vision the distant and otherwise unseen places and objects’, ‘flashes of supernatural light’, … etc.
As stated earlier, the mantras, by definition, are sublime carriers of the power of Sabda indwelling in sound, thoughts and emotions. The sonic as well as the emotional energy together make a mantra alive. While the observance of prescribed elementary disciplines – like, regularity of timings and the number and pace of japas…., etc – is a must to generate appropriate sonic vibrations from the japa of a mantra, the unperturbed engrossment of mind with deep faith and emotional linkage with the devata of the mantra – is necessary for awakening the subliminal force of Sabda in it.
It may be noted again that for the success of the sadhana of any mantra, it is the piety of character and deeds, the strength and stability of mind and the sraddha – that are the most crucial and important virtues of the sadhaka rather than his intellectual eminence or scholastic expertise in the vedic scriptures…., etc.
Anybody who sincerely adopts the principle of truth, creativity and altruist service with compassion, generosity and love and who endeavors self-restrain for escalating march towards self-refinement would qualify to commence Gayatri Sadhana under the intimate guidance of a noble guru. If the consistency of japa is maintained with adept disciplines and sraddha, the sadhaka begins to realize the exceptional psychological and intellectual benefits and truly rare boons of this sadhana in a short span of time….
Source: Eternity of Sound and the Science of Mantra