EnglishLife ManagmentPersonality DevelopmentThought RevolutionYoga and Health
Stress is a boon, welcome it
Udyānam te puruşa nāvayānaṁ jīvätum te daksatätim knomi A hi rohemamamtam sukham rathamatha jirvirvidathamă vadāsi. -Atharvaveda 8/1/6 “O Purusa (mankind)! May you prosper, not decline. I give you vital breath …
EnglishLife ManagmentPersonality DevelopmentThought Revolution
What should be ideal attitude towards adversities?
Ayutoahamayuto me atmayutam me cakšurayutam me śrotramayuto me pränoayuto meapănoayuto me vyanoayutoaham sarvah -Atharvaveda 19/51/1 I am unconquerable. My spirit is unconquerable. My eyes are unconquerable. My prana shakti (subtle …
Sahdayam sammanasyam vidvesam knomi vah Anyo anyamabhi haryata vatsam jatamivaghnya -Atharvaveda 3/30/1 “I create kindheartedness, understanding and amity for you. As a cow loves her new-born calf, so should you …
Every day we sell our services to others to earn money. So, each one of us is selling something or the other like physical labor, thoughts, know-how, power/energy, motivational skills, …
సమయం ఎప్పుడు ప్రవహించే ఒక అమూల్యమైన నిధి. ఎవరైతే ఈ నిధిని ఉపయోగించుకోగలుగుతారో, వారు సర్వోత్తమ లక్ష్యాన్ని సాధించగలరు. జీవితం ఒక భవంతి అయితే దానిలో ప్రతిగంట, ప్రతి నిమిషం ఇటుకలుగా ఉంటాయి. మనిషికి జీవితంపై ప్రేమ ఉంటే సమయం వృథా …
Once a disciple asked his Guru – “Gurudev! What is a successful life?’ The Guru took the disciple to fly a kite. The disciple was observing the Guru flying a …
Akhand Jyoti MagazineLatest PostLife ManagmentPersonality Development
How Good Are You in Interpersonal Communication?
The personal, social, and professional life of an individual depend largely on the efficacy of interpersonal communication. This expertise defines whether those relationships fail or succeed. If we are mindful …
Strong willpower is an essential basis for attaining success in any field of life, from sports to competitive examinations, agricultural cultivation, mountaineering, or to sail through difficult phases of life. …
Akhand Jyoti MagazineFamilyHindiLatest PostLife Managment
परिवार रूपी संस्कारशाला को सहेजने की आवश्यकता
परिवार-व्यवस्था भारतभूमि की एक ऐसी विशेषता रही है, जिसे गृहस्थ आश्रम के रूप में ऋषियों ने स्थापित – किया था। घर में बड़े बुजुर्गों का सान्निध्य, संरक्षण एवं – मार्गदर्शन …
Most great men were men of ordinary caliber in the beginning. But they neither allowed this to lower their high aims nor did they allow despair to dampen their spirits. …
संसार के सारे महापुरुष प्रारम्भ में साधारण श्रेणी, योग्यता, क्षमताओं के व्यक्ति रहे हैं। इतना होने पर भी उन्होंने अपने प्रति दृष्टिकोण हीन नहीं बनने दिया और निराशा को पास …
Mental tension can be caused by disorganised way of living, needless hurry, being busy during day as well as night, and working continuously without a pause. This makes it essential …
अस्त-व्यस्त जीवन जीना, जल्दबाजी करना, रात-दिन व्यस्त रहना, हर पल-क्षण को काम-काज में ही ठूसते रहना भी मनःक्षेत्र में भारी तनाव पैदा करते हैं। अतः यहाँ यह आवश्यक हो जाता …
Expecting others to be with us and to do as we say, is the main reason for increasing our mental tension and complicating our lives. The solution to this problem …
दूसरों से यह अपेक्षा करना कि सभी हम से होंगे और हमारे कहे अनुसार चलेंगे, मानसिक तनाव बने रहने का, निरर्थक उलझनों में फंसे रहने का मुख्य कारण है। इससे …
When your hands are full with too many jobs at a time, not a single job gets done, because the mind is pulled in many directions. This leads to loss …
एक साथ बहुत सारे काम निबटाने के चक्कर में मनोयोग से कोई कार्य पूरा नहीं हो पाता। आधा-अधूरा कार्य छोड़कर मन दूसरे कार्यों की ओर दौड़ने लगता है। यहीं से …
Understanding and logical thinking demand of you to change your attitude with changing times. Attainment of happiness, success, progress, luxury etc should not make you swollen-headed. Conversely, it is pointless …
समझदारी और विचारशीलता का तकाजा है कि संसार चक्र के बदलते क्रम के अनुरूप अपनी मनः स्थिति को तैयार रखा जाए। लाभ, सुख, सफलता, प्रगति, वैभव आदि मिलने पर अहंकार …