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Share your bread and eat



There was a king. His minister was very intelligent. Once the king asked his minister – Minister! In the birth rate of sheep and dogs, dogs are far ahead of sheep, but flocks of sheep are seen and dogs are seen only in some places. What could be the reason for this?The minister said – “Maharaj! You will get the answer to this question tomorrow morning.”

In the evening of the same day in front of the king, the minister got twenty dogs locked in a kotha and got a basket full of rotis placed between them.In the second room, twenty sheep were closed and a basket of fodder was kept in the middle of them. Having closed both the chambers from outside, they both returned.In the morning, the minister came there with the king. He opened the first dog room. The king was surprised to see that twenty dogs had given their lives fighting among themselves and kept the basket of bread as it is. No dog could eat a single roti.After this the minister accompanied the king to the sheep shed. After opening the kotha, the king saw that twenty sheep were sleeping very comfortably with their mouths on each other’s throats and their fodder basket was completely empty.In fact, one should eat his bread by sharing the mill and live in unity.Be happy always What is received is sufficient.We will change, the era will change.

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