Home The Practice is the Key to Perfection

The Practice is the Key to Perfection



The importance of practice is well known. Its effect is magical. The waves of the sea hitting the rock leave their mark on it. The clay pot makes a hole in the stone by constantly rubbing against it. The rocks rolling along the river course, one day attain the round shape of Shivlinga. Undoubtedly, it is a long process, but its results are miraculous. It is not surprising that to control the fickle mind, Lord Krishna preaches the process of practice to Arjuna.

Perhaps, there is no alternative to practice. It is the most significant element of success in any field of life. On profoundly analyzing the life of any great scientist, sophist, saint, or eminent personality, one would find that his secret of success was his practice. Despite all adversities and hardships, they remained steadfast in their practice. They kept on making efforts consistently, based on which they reached the pinnacle of excellence in their respective fields. Repeated practice builds habit. If the good deeds are practiced, then good habits are developed, but if malefic practices are carried on, the person becomes a victim of bad habits. Once the bad habits are formed, it becomes difficult to get rid of them; but there is no need to be disappointed in this situation. If a bad habit is developed inadvertently, it can also be corrected. In this situation, the practice becomes a savior. Bad habits can be overcome with practice. The only requirement is making constant efforts.

Often, we are not familiar with the incredible power of practice. Initially, typing seems to be an impossible task. Still, with repeated practice, one day, the fingers start moving automatically, and then the person can even type without looking at the keyboard. This is the marvel of practice. Activities ranging from cycling to swimming, all appearing as impossible initially, become simple and easy with practice. All this shows the power of practice.

The practice is even more essential for the devotees seeking peace, spiritual progress, and divinity. The senses and mind are naturally accustomed to following the wrong path. They are ready to destroy the entire life, even for momentary happiness. Contrary to this flow, the task of channelizing them in an upward direction requires determination and practice. Conversely, if we let the mind loose to do whatever it wants, it shows that we are not committed to our improvement and not loyal to our spiritual pursuit; our practice is still immature. We have not yet embarked on the spiritual path. Upon introspecting, we will find that the real cause for our agony is the lack of control over our mind, due to which we are unable to focus on our goal. There is no concentration due to indiscipline and the misconduct of the mind. The insolent mind makes us work according to its wishes. A drug addict, knowing that every dose of it is pushing him towards unconsciousness, serious ailments, and death, is still unable to leave it and yearns for it when it is finished, ready to do anything for it. If a person wants to cultivate a good habit, so intensely and resolutely, no one could stop him from attaining peace and happiness.

Our habits form our tendencies, which shape our personality, which in turn determines our destiny. Thus, constant practice of noble deeds results in virtuous moral imprints (Susanskaras), which form a good character as the essence of personality. On the contrary, bad habits will only create undesirable circumstances in the future. If we want to improve our bad habits, it is possible only through imbibing good habits or good conduct. Such a practice will give us self-confidence and strengthen the mind, with which we will be able to live in peace and joy even amidst adverse or ardent circumstances.

Many people grumble at their mistakes or shortcomings and remain worried about how they would overcome them. This is an incredibly stressful and dangerous situation, which sucks our energy and allows negative influences to dominate us. Instead of this, we should consider possible solutions and make every effort to cultivate good habits and strengthen our character. Seers, saints, and sages build a strong personality and live with peace and joy even in extreme circumstances. To build such a personality or achieve such a state, one requires pious resolution and patience and endeavors for constant practice. People often know its importance, yet keep loitering around, whereas the need is to prioritize the routine and practice it daily.

After committing to such a resolution, it should be practiced immediately, even without wasting a single day. This is because even once relaxed, the mind again finds an excuse for not doing it again. The magic of practice only works when there is regularity in it. Whether it is jumping across trapezes in a circus or training ferocious animals like lions and tigers to perform stunts, all these are a result of years of regular practice, watching which the audience cheers in amazement.

Similarly, if a person becomes determined, then why can he not control his mind. The need is to practice with patience and perseverance for a long time. Lord Krishna preaches to Arjuna in the Gita to pursue this practice (Abhyas) along with detachment (Vairagya). At the same time, he also assures that any effort made on the righteous path does not go in vain. Even a little effort on the way of religion is enough to overcome great fears. So, we must keep making all possible efforts on the righteous path, repeatedly and firmly. Then, in due course, our life will become peaceful, contented, and blissful.

Source – Akhand Jyoti

Jan-Feb 2021

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