Home Akhand Jyoti Magazine What is a successful life?

What is a successful life?



Once a disciple asked his Guru – “Gurudev! What is a successful life?’

The Guru took the disciple to fly a kite. The disciple was observing the Guru flying a kite.

After a while, the disciple said – Gurudev, the kite cannot go above as it is tied to the thread. Shall we break the cord? Then it will go higher.

The Guru broke the thread. The kite went up a bit and then came down waving and fell on a distant unknown place.

Then Guru explained the philosophy of life to the disciple. Son! The height at which we are in life, we often feel that certain things to which we are tied prevent us from going higher, such as home, family, discipline, parents, gurus, and society; and we want to be free from them.

It is these threads that keep us at that height. Without these threads, we will have the same fate that happened to a kite without a line. So, in life, if you reach the heights, if you want to stay there, never break your relationship with these threads.

A successful life is a height achieved by a successful balance akin to kite and thread

Akhand Jyoti Magazine 2021 Nov -Dec

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