The innumerable technological advancements and inventions are intended for inventions are intended for the benefit of humanity, but when we cannot utilize them properly, they can end up being a bane instead of a boon. Internet, smartphone, and social media are the amazing outcomes of the era of the communication revolution, which have enhanced the quality of life amidst its many challenges.
These technologies played a pivotal role during the challenging times of Covid, but another worrisome aspect of the same has come forth in the form of addiction to smartphones. Addiction to the internet and social media is no longer confined to towns and cities but has reached the villages too. Every year, the number of subscribers is increasing by tens of millions.
Based on a research study made on digital media, it has been observed that there is an increase of 20-25% in digital subscribers. In 2015, only 9% of the village populace used the internet. It increased rapidly to 25% in 2018.
Today, it is said that 56% of the rural population uses the internet. It is estimated that by 2026, there will be more than a billion internet users in the country. Along with the increase in internet usage, there has been a marked increase in the number of people getting addicted to social media, including a significant percentage of children and youngsters.
A mobile de-addiction center has been opened in Calvin Hospital, Prayagraj, where more than 100 cases are registered for treatment every month. The doctors are also
surprised because, in the first month of Covid, 2-3 instances came per day, but in subsequent months, 4-5 patients came for treatment every day. While 50% of the cases are of youngsters, the rest belong to all age groups, from kids to the elderly. NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences) in Bangalore is the first hospital in the country that started counseling kids and youth addicted to the internet. Later, de-addiction centers were opened in AIIMS in Delhi, three districts of Pune and UP, Amritsar, etc.
According to NIMHANS, on average, kids get access to mobile at the age of 10 years, and by the age of 12, 50% of them begin to use social media. Every week, more than 10 cases come to psychiatrists all over the country related to social media addiction among kids below the age of 12 years. Just as smartphone de-addiction centers are getting opened in cities, even the smaller towns and villages are experiencing a need for them.. Looking at the gravity of the situation, experts are of the opinion that internet de-addiction centers should be opened in every district of the country. Not just the internet, these centers should have the facility to offer counsel and treat all addictions related to digital platforms. This would also enable us to get realistic statistics on the extent of this problem.
Based on the available data, 38% of children have Facebook accounts, and 24% are active on Instagram. According to a report by the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights, kids below the age of 10 are also active on social media.
The youth of the country have been addicted to short videos and YouTube. While some of them have their own channels, others are also so addicted to them that they are not ready to let go of their craze. In fact, during the lockdown, the internet, smartphones, and social media emerged as a means for online learning, and children got unhindered access to devices. Due to a lack of adequate supervision, they got used to playing games, watching videos, and being active on social media.
Most parents were busy during the pandemic and did not supervise their children’s usage, or they chose to let kids use gadgets rather than bother them. Subsequently, the children were so addicted to the devices that they
threw tantrums, threatened to go hungry, or, in some extreme cases, attempted suicide. Excessive usage of mobile phones is hindering the progress of studious children and impacting their examination results. On being kept away from a mobile phone, children are either becoming depressed or get violent. Experts say that children develop violent behavior due to prolonged usage of online games, social media, and the internet. A study has revealed that among ten children hooked to social media, 3 of them suffer from depression, fear, stress, worry, and irate behavior. They are not interested in studies, and some are unable even to have a meal without the phone in their hand.
According to NIMHANS, 73% of children in the country use mobile phones, and 30% suffer from mental ailments. In addition, girls are targets of harassment and cyberbullying, taking them into depths of depression. The clinic opened in AIIMS every Saturday is getting cases of cyberbullying. Most of them who come here are college students. According to a research paper on ‘Online Study and Internet Addiction,” more than 50% of cyberbullying cases are not even registered because the girls are uncomfortable sharing their plight and gradually become prone to depression. According to a report by AIIMS, New Delhi, 15-16 children come for counseling per month, out of which 90% are in an advanced stage of mental illness. It means that their symptoms resemble a patient suffering from 3rd or 4th stage mental illness. So, it is important for everyone to know the signs of online addiction.
If someone is glued to a screen for many hours, this could certainly be seen as an important symptom. Inability to concentrate on studies, loss of productivity, agitated behavior, inability to sleep, losing control of oneself, easily getting angry, etc., are other worrisome symptoms of this addiction one must be aware of. According to a survey, 1 out of 6 social media users is suffering from one or the other disease.
In addition to depression and worry, they are prone to diseases like high blood pressure, anaemia, obesity, and diabetes.
A survey done by AIIMS Delhi shows that 13.4% of the youth are addicted to mobile phones to such an extent that their interpersonal relationships are jeopardized. A smartphone is leading to their downfall and decline instead of aiding their progress in life.
In dealing with children suffering from depression, counselling is proving to be more effective than medication, say the experts. This is where the role played by parents become very important. Psychiatrists say it is better to identify the problem in its nascent stage when parents observe that their child is using the screen for more than 4-6 hours per day. Sometimes, undue intervention from parents can complicate the matters than resolving them. Parents have to be empathetic when dealing with such kids. They have to lead by example rather than admonish them.
Experts say that parents should set an example through their behavior and inspire their children to follow. If parents do not set aside quality time for their children and are themselves glued to their mobile phones, how can they counsel their kids about the judicious use of the device? Only when all members of the family spend time with one another will they be able to understand and effectively help each other. Along with this, parents should also develop an awareness of the internet to know how their child uses it. As soon as behavioral symptoms become apparent in children, it is best for parents to be aware and take steps to mitigate the issue. If the situation gets out of hand, they should immediately seek the help of a psychiatrist and a de-addiction center.
Doctors vouch that 6 months of counselling and psychotherapy will cure 70% of the patients. 20% of them who are in advanced condition will need to be prescribed medicines. Such patients need to be treated for almost a year. It helps to tackle the addiction if the patient is able to stay away from social media for a week. It, however, depends on the condition of the patient. In these crucial times, it is imperative that we are aware of the various problems associated with the extended usage of smartphones. The children, teenagers, and the youth in the family should be mindful of their online usage habits. It is most important that they are keen to present a positive example of themselves so that expected results can be seen from counselling.
Source: Akhand Jyoti Magazine 2023 Jan-Feb