Akhand Jyoti MagazineChildren and ParentingEnglishEntertainmentPersonality Development
The labyrinth of cell-phones: How should the present-day Abhimanyu negotiate it safely?
Peaceful life has become a rarity In the present era of globalization where all means of material comfort are easily available, there is one device that is not only indicative …
Even after a hard penance and deep repentance a person of advanced age, carrying the burden of accumulated errors, mistakes and sins is not likely to become pious and noble …
Akhand Jyoti MagazineChildrenChildren and ParentingEnglishFamilygreat personalitiesLife ManagmentLifestyle
Dharma: The Righteous Way of Life
It is essential to follow the path of dharma to achieve abiding peace and happiness in life. People wrongly confuse dharma with ritualistic religion. In fact conscious observance of religious …
Akhand Jyoti MagazineChildren and ParentingEnglishLife ManagmentLifestylePersonality DevelopmentScientific Spirituality
The Philosophy of Gayatri: An Introduction
Indian Culture is founded on the principles of Gayatri (the protector of prana and the Goddess of wisdom and pure intelligence) and Yajna (noble deeds). Gayatri is revered as the …
Akhand Jyoti MagazineChildren and ParentingEnglishLife ManagmentLifestylePersonality DevelopmentScientific Spirituality
Awakening Divinity in Man
(Translation of the original Hindi discourse given by Gurudev Acharya Shriram Sharma to the participants of Sadhan training camp at Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura)Let us begin with the Gayatri mantra: “Om …
Chanakya was born in Magadh during Gupta period of history. He was very studious and respected his mother too much. One day, his mother was weeping. On enquiry she told …
गुप्तकाल में मगध में जन्मे चाणक्य बड़े मातृभक्त और पढ़ाई-लिखाई में लगे रहते थे। एक दिन उनकी माता रो रही थी। माता से कारण पूछा तो उसने कहा-“तेरे अगले दाँत …
A passenger was tired after a long journey and was quietly standing near a hillock. Three boys, grazing their sheep nearby started guessing as to who he was? One said …
एक बार एक व्यक्ति चलते-चलते थक गया था। वह थका हुआ व्यक्ति पहाड़ी के नीचे चुपचाप खड़ा था । भेड़ चराने वाले लड़के अनुमान लगाने लगे कि वह किस कारण …
Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar was just a youth. Since childhood, he had the habit to spend whatever he possessed for the welfare of others. He learnt this habit of giving …
ईश्वरचंद्र विद्यासागर तब एक किशोर ही थे। उदारतापूर्वक जो अपने पास था उसे दूसरों को बाँटते रहने की भावना का बचपन से ही उनके हृदय में स्थान था। यह बाँटने …
A farmer Jalaram lived in village Veerpur (Gujrat). Whatever was produced in his fields was used to feed poor and helpless persons and also Sant-Mahatmas. He used to work in …
वीरपुर (गुजरात) में एक किसान थे। उनका नाम था जलाराम। वे कृषि कार्य करते थे। जो अनाज पैदा होता उसे दीन-दुखियों तथा संत-महात्माओं के लिए खरच करते रहते। वे खेत …
Looking at the flickering lamp, sun said “Little child! You have not seen the power of darkness. It is like a python and will swallow you. Keep quiet and don’t …
टिमटिमाते दीपक को देखकर सूरज बोला-“नन्हे बच्चे, अंधकार की शक्ति तूने देखी नहीं। अजगर है वह निगल जाएगा तुझे, चुपचाप बैठ, जीवन नष्ट मत कर।” दीपक बोला— “तात् । निरंतर …
Udayan, disciple of Rishi Angira, was highly talented. He wanted to impress others by his talent and avoided the help of his friends also. Rishi thought that this tendency will …
ऋषि अंगिरा के शिष्य उदयन बड़े प्रतिभाशाली थे, पर अपनी प्रतिभा के स्वतंत्र प्रदर्शन की उमंग उनमें रहती थी। साथी सहयोगियों से अलग अपना प्रभाव दिखाने का प्रयास यदा-कदा किया …
Once a pretty little girl asked Prime Minister Nehru-“Chacha Nehru! When was your weight at the highest level and how much it was?” Nehru was surprised at such a funny …
“चाचा नेहरू ! आपका सबसे अधिक वजन कब और कितना था ?” फूल सी कोमल बालिका ने प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू के सम्मुख प्रश्न रखा। नेहरू उस अजीब प्रश्न को सुनकर आश्चर्य …